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SECTION 2 - Modeling and Detail Editor

9] Is there a quick way to add faces to my object without using the
   Slice command?

Here is a neat trick to add faces. This method works best with an object that is basially concave (such as a circle).

        1] Make the outline of your object, i.e.: points and edges.
        2] Extrude the object a distance away.
        3] Pick all the points that were just made...i.e.: The ones
           that now comprise the back face.  Using Bounding box
           selection would probably be helpful.
        4] Choose Join!
        5] Translate the now 1 pt back on the Y axis by the distance
           you extruded from, and position the point somewhere in the
           center of the object.

The object is now a solid faced object with all faces connected to one point on the center, just like the primitive disk object.

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